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HomeOpinionJoe Biden's avoidable border disaster his age problem

Joe Biden’s avoidable border disaster his age problem

From the right: Joe’s Avoidable Border Disaster

“The Title 42 public health emergency ended and, with it, the lone vestige of border enforcement” from President Biden, thunder Robert Law & Chad Wolf at Fox News. “For 27 months, the American people have witnessed a humanitarian and security crisis at the border,” and it’ll get worse, thanks to “a glaring loophole”: the “ability to claim asylum regardless of how dubious the claim.” All as “the president, vice president, DHS secretary, White House press secretary and others continue to lie.” Some “84% of American voters” back securing the border, yet “only 27% think the Biden administration is seriously trying” to secure it. “The administration needs to take ownership of its border policy failures,” “stop politicizing” the issue and “start enforcing the laws already on the books.”

Climate war: Gas-Stove Ban Is Just a Start

“Consumer backlash” over a possible gas-stove ban forced Team Biden to deny regulators were moving to impose one, but “they most certainly were and still are,” warns Ben Lieberman at The Wall Street Journal. The Consumer Product Safety Commission is “moving ahead with its information-gathering process” on gas-stove risks; the public-comment period, “typically the first step toward restrictions, ended Monday.” Yet that’s “merely one piece in a larger campaign against consumer appliances, all in the service of President Biden’s climate-change agenda.” Other targeted items: furnaces, lighting, washing machines, dishwashers and air conditioners. “Buyers who prefer the supposedly climate-friendlier versions are always free to choose them,” with or without regulations, but Biden “is intent on foisting the green choice on all of us, whether we like it or not. Most won’t.”

A majority of Americans lack confidence in President Biden’s physical and mental health.
Pool via CNP /MediaPunch

Ed desk: ‘Absurd’ Social-Media Lawsuits

Legal actions against social-media platforms by “at least eleven school districts around the country” seeking “financial compensation” for mental-health bills allegedly caused by kid exposure to social media “are bad lawsuits that courts should reject,” argues Walter Olson at Ricochet. “The suits’ announced goal (regulating social media use by students) is in itself debatable, but the means employed (damage lawsuits to recoup public agency expenditures)” puts them into “the realm of the absurd.” “A typical instance of one of these lawsuits” shows no “particular action platform operators took that, in fact, violated any law.” “Let’s be frank about the origins of lawsuit campaigns like these: they’re cooked up in the offices of lawyers and consulting experts and sold to public administrators.”

From the left: Face Biden’s Age Problem

If President Biden is going to overcome Americans’ lack of confidence in his physical or mental health, he must “make his case for freedom so forcefully that he dispels some of the doubts raised by his age,” contends The American Prospect’s Harold Meyerson. Yet he can only do that by “subjecting himself to the media and the public more” and hope that works. True, “his responses to criticisms that he’s too old have sometimes sounded so querulous that they only confirm his critics’ apprehensions,” but it’s his only card: “By autumn, if he hasn’t had some measurable success” in calming public fears of a president “drifting into senescence, then some prominent Democrat” had “damn well better enter the race.”

Neocon: Prez’s Bills Are Coming Due

“The old saying has it that you go broke in phases. First, gradually. Then, all at once. Politically speaking, Joe Biden has entered phase two,” snarks Commentary’s Abe Greenwald. He’s “suddenly facing a drawer full of overdue bills — on his border policy, his health, his scandals, and more.” “The Biden family’s shady business dealing is now covered as legitimate news,” while “the White House’s effort to hide the president from the public” has backfired. “When he pops up now, his condition is made all the more concerning by the illusion of its seeming suddenness.” And he’s “losing the sympathetic [press] coverage he relied on,” with even the Washington Post editorial board declaring, “The president and his team promised transparency. Instead, he is stonewalling the media.”

— Compiled by The Post Editorial Board

This story originally appeared on NYPost

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