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HomeOpinionLetters to the Editor — May 7, 2023

Letters to the Editor — May 7, 2023

Hunter’s dad duty

Two wrongs can’t make a right (“Baby mama hardball,” May 4).
Hunter Biden is wrong to resist paying the maximum child support for his love child. It is a fantasy to think the Biden family will ever accept this beautiful little girl.

The child’s mother is wrong to continue to pursue changing her daughter’s name to “Biden” and fomenting all this negative publicity.

She needs to move on to protect her daughter from future harm and hurt. She should take the money and go. Find a decent, eligible man who will love her and her daughter. And quietly cash Hunter’s checks.

Rosemarie Kaupp

Warrington, Pa.

Future of Regents

It was curious to see The Post elegize the New York state Regents examinations, as they are alive and well (“Killing NY Public Education,” Editorial, May 1).

I am a member of the Blue Ribbon Commission on Graduation Measures, a group that includes educators, administrators, researchers, school counselors, business professionals, parents and students.

We are considering the nature and efficacy of New York state’s graduation requirements. Our efforts are guided by a fundamental question: What do we want our children to know and to be able to do before they graduate? This question is bigger, and more profound than whether the state will “keep” the Regents examinations.

Most states do not have a graduation requirement comparable to the Regents examinations. Yet that has not prevented many of them — like New Jersey, which offers multiple graduation pathways — from high levels of student achievement. Excellence, in other words, can come in many forms.

Sagrario Rudecindo-O’Neill, Program Chair, Blue Ribbon Commission Steering Committee

Salisbury Mills

Parking in peril

The mayor’s war on cars is a war on New York City’s working-class families and retirees. The city has given much of our street parking spaces to restaurants, sheds and CitiBikes (“Bye rats, & parking,” May 4).

Now he wants to use a portion of the remaining curb space for trash bins

We depend on street parking since, unlike other cities, there are very few affordable municipal parking lots.

While Mayor Adams believes everyone should be on bikes or public transportation, it is not practical for many. Visiting family and friends who live outside of the city would require an overnight stay with many hours of travel by train, bus and Uber.

As a senior, a car is an important part of my independence and quality of life. For families with babies and kids, a car is essential. There are city-owned vacant lots that could be converted to affordable parking lots.
I hope that Adams will realize the harm he is doing and find a way to accommodate resident motorists. He should not just dictate a lesser way of life for many lifelong New Yorkers.

If he doesn’t compromise, this Democrat will not vote for him again.

Vincent Novak


Anti-cop Cabán

A pamphlet shared by City Councilmember Tiffany Cabán stated: “All people can be hurt by police” (“ ‘Cops are bad, kids,’ ” April 29).

Writing tickets for traffic and other infractions and arresting miscreants for committing offenses does hurt the law-breaker. There has to be accountability for unlawful actions.

She neglected to mention that NYPD runs towards the trouble, the shootings, etc. She should ride along in any of the busy precincts. She would alter her narrative.

Billy Rath

Brick, NJ

Want to weigh in on today’s stories? Send your thoughts (along with your full name and city of residence) to letters@nypost.com. Letters are subject to editing for clarity, length, accuracy and style.

This story originally appeared on NYPost

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